Bill Cox of Yonges Island produces the oyster seeds (which are approximately 1/2" long).
Shell Ring Oyster Company then puts the seeds out in the wild.
The seeds feed off of natural microorganisms like algae and flourish.
During this time, the oyster also filter 15-20 gallons of water per day. (At 70,000 plus oysters, that’s 1.4 million gallons a day.)
Shell Ring Oyster Company routinely checks on the oysters to make sure they are safe from fouling organisms. The oysters are also graded by size and moved from area to area for optimal growing conditions.
In 16-17 months, Shell Ring Oyster Company has a mature product and only takes what it needs for order purposes so that harvesting is ongoing.
Each oyster is hand selected to insure perfection not only in flavor but also in shape. Oysters that are more oblong or don’t have deep cups are tumbled to break off burs and encourage the oysters to grow a deeper cup.